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Alvida... (again)

Hello friends,

This is it. Time to head into the proverbial sunset...

I will try to keep this short.  Over the years I have realized that words don't mean much. Ultimately it's just the memories we create together that really define our lived experience. And I have so so many of you to thank for those memories I take with me today, so here goes:

- To Lalit, my brother and comrade in arms. Thank you for the opportunity to work alongside a top notch team on an impossible mission.

- To Anand, one of the most balanced and capable leaders I have ever worked with. And a fantastic singer to boot, and a top notch sportsman and a... I will truly miss you my friend.

- To MTR, one of the most honest, sharp, sincere realists out there - they don't make many like him anymore. Heart of gold, never be fooled by his tough exterior :-)

- To Zareer, one of the most sincere, hardworking, positive leaders I have come across. Iron maiden he may patronize but this one is a cuddly teddy bear at heart.

- To Menaka, so inspiring in her commitment, stewardship, customer empathy and unflinching leadership amidst ambiguity. Thoroughly enjoyed working with you, Menaka!

- To Rachna, a wonderfully capable and balanced technical leader with superb engineering instincts. A wonderful person at heart, brave beyond words. A delight to work with all along.

- To Sanila, for inspiring me with her warmth, sincerity and gumption. The heart and soul of Indihood, this one works quietly in the background so our lived experience is that much richer.

- To Subhashish, for being my partner in crime on everything non-product/engg in Indihood. Again, don't be fooled by his easy demeanor - this Swiss Army knife has several blades to let on yet!

- Lastly, to all of you for accepting me with open arms, putting up with my idiosyncrasies, indulging my random jokes, heck even appreciating my singing!

Ok, that wasn't so short after all, but at least it's not about me this time :-)

Adios my friends!

