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Think Pink!!

Ok!! Floyd obsession triggered - run! hide! while you still can!!

Pulse was our anthem album back then - my most prized one complete with the pulsating LED šŸ™ƒ

Seattle still has this Monday 10pm fixture - Think Pinkā€¦ We would drive around town while the best ones played all while Sikka* went ā€œBoss! The Gods Are Smilingā€...

Well after the girls happened...

ā€œIā€™m thinking of learning to flyā€ went the email and within seconds Sikka and I had sent in lyrics to ā€˜Learning to Flyā€™ - poor chap actually wanted to learn how to fly... our obsession knew no bounds...

I still regret not watching their last concert (1994... they broke up soon after) in ASU** - Anju and I couldnā€™t afford two tickets... only to panic the day of the concert!! We simply had to make do with echoes (no pun) outside the Sun Devils stadium...

The Aussie PF is actually quite good - heard them in Seattle back in 2005ā€¦ and of course the Roger Waters concert in Seattle when Anju was horrified at the second hand grass Arti inhaled šŸ¤“ Seems to have done the trick though since many years later, on a trip back from college she went ā€œDaddy! I love Pink Floyd - High Hopes, Welcome to Machineā€ā€¦

Of course I was in tears - can you even imagine the feeling when your child shares in your passion?? These are true blessings my friends, true blessingsā€¦

ā€˜Terminal Frostā€™ playing even as I write thisā€¦ Sighā€¦

*Sikka: Even more obsessed partner in crime for all things Floyd!!

**ASU: Arizona State University - notably Top-5 on only one list - Party Schools - fine by me!!